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Other Side of Hope/9 days
Exposition : 21.06 - 29.06.2024 (11:00 - 19:00)  
Address : 236 Rue Saint Martin, Paris, France  
Vernissage : 20.06.2024, 19:00-22:00 
Curator Dr. Wumen Ghua
“Other Side of Hope/9 days” is a group exhibition searching for multiverse hopes, perhaps unimportant but meant. It springs from a nine-day exploration of hope and negotiation with the nihilistic voice growing louder recently.
Nine is the largest individual number and also a self-reference number: 9x2=18, 1+8=9; 9x3=27, 2+7=9; 9x4=36, 3+6=9, and so on. It represents both the end and infinity, which always comes back to itself. With so many crises happening in today's world, it is easy to fall into despair and think that we are reaching the end. But if this is the end, it must be a dream. Like the number 9, it won't end quickly, and we will always come back to ourselves for answers.
The journey of hope is like an endless loop that we all go through from the beginning of our lives until the end. During this journey, we follow the spiral path of a Möbius ring, leading us from our unconscious state to the realization of our existence. We experience all kinds of challenges, such as loss, sorrow, loneliness, and violence, as we move towards awakening. Eventually, we come full circle, returning to the starting point of our journey. At this point, we are ready to depart from this world with the only precious gift from life: the reminder that we are loved; the promise of the other place continues.
The hope of the other side is why we can bear and live on the other side of hope—nine days of searching, meant to be. Nine days of searching are needed in a world that may be broken but precious.The seed of the exhibition was found in the mind garden of Birdy K. (Kuo Tsai-chieh), exploring possibility and peculiarity in the musical cosmos. The exhibition’s title is inspired by Mola Oddity's newest album, The Other Side of Hope. Each day’s search meets each song from the album. Birdy, the author of the album's lyrics, offers her words, voice, and heart to foster this exhibition from the beginning."Other Side of Hope/9 days" brings together artists from diverse fields, locations, and cultural heritages. It offers not a destination but a doorway to enter the other side, seeing how much we can still give each other.